Meg Anderson

Creative Movement


Meg Anderson is a Bloomington, Indiana based dancer, musician, and embodied storyteller. As a teacher and director, she has guided individuals in unearthing their stories through movement and vocal expression for over two decades.

Meg is passionate about dance as a spiritual path of liberation, providing a direct route to literally unlocking the body’s joy, grief, and wisdom.

In this class, Meg creates a safe, brave, and playful space, rich with improvisation exercises to help you find and expand into your unique dance expression, thereby developing the ability to fill any dance technique or framework with authentic joy.

Key areas we will cover:

  • Releasing: Gently and playfully release tension in areas that typically lock us up; explore blocks as a gateway to deeper authenticity in dance.
  • Shaping: Develop Choice. Get to know your unique creative impulses and learn how to take them further.
  • Expressing and Communication: Lean into and share your story and impulses. Explore the interplay of being shaped by the music and shaping and influencing the music in turn. Enjoy this authentic connection within and without, allowing for a natural liberation and contribution to a communal transcendence.

Come play!